Partnership Parish Mission Statement

We the parish of St. Mary and St Joseph’s

strive to be a welcoming community that follows Jesus

by loving and serving one another

to bring forth God’s kingdom of love, justice and peace.

Our Parish Logo

represents the partnership of two parish communities. Adopting a minimal design, the logo elements are inspired from and represent the architectural, geographical, communal and spiritual aspects of both parishes.  

The Alphabets N (Arch) and T (Cross) for Northcote and Thornbury.

The arch shape represents a common pattern in both the parishes architecture as well as the common shape of the trams that connect these two parishes geographically. Arches are structures with profound significance. They personify grace and openness acting as a verge through which one passes to enter from the physical to the spiritual world, a notion that is deeply concordant with the mission of the parish.

The cross and circle and multicoloured people figurines represent the parish communities and align the themes of both the parishes. People represents Church and is the core of a church community, the body of Christ. The multicoloured figurines representing our ethnic diversities coming together in Christ’s mission as a community of hope, integrity, justice, tenderness, and love.